Thank you for that life's lesson, Tyler Durden.
There is a fine line between what can be loosely considered a hobby versus what is most likely an obsession. Anyone who has ever seen Hoarding on TBS (or is it TLC? hell, I dont know, I dont even watch network television. I have Netflix, thank you very much) knows exactly what Im talking about. Homes and houses filled floor to ceiling with what can only be described as useless shit.. but, to the people living in that house of bobble heads and antique flat wear, those are objects of real value and worth. The definition of a "collection" has been blurred. And Im not talking about those cases of legitimate psychopaths who's homes are virtually landfills covered in food scraps, feces (animal and human), and dead animals.. No. That shit's disgusting regardless of how you look at it.
I myself have a bit of a hobby.. make that several hobbies. And it has been brought to my attention that I may be boarder line obsessed. I prefer to call them passions, as they are things I truly enjoy.. and as you will see, they serve a purpose. I'll explain...
When I go out to bars and restaurants I have a tendency to pocket one or two coasters, especially if they have some funny slogan or if they have any association with my favorite beer. And you cant call this "stealing" because the bar literally has a thousand of them sitting there for anyone to just reach over and use. But instead of placing my icy adult beverage on them to prevent slippage (which I also do) I stash them in my pants and unload them when I arrive home. This is increasingly true for out of town, or even better- out of country, pub experiences. They are like little mini trophies to my alcoholic accomplishments.
My ultimate intent for my coaster collection is to build a table and cover the top with a showcase of coasters from around the globe. A conversation piece if I have ever seen one, and a true drinker's table.. Im not sure if "drinker's tables" actually exist. At any rate, here is what I have so far:
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