I use random words to form sentences.... and take the occasional photo.

Juni 20, 2012


There are things in life that happen which go way beyond simple coincidence. So much so that there must be a synchronizing agent at play, and in some way the universe is tying ideas, thoughts, actions, occurrences, and happenings together.. in unexplainable ways. It happens all the time, at least to me, and in very obvious fashion. I can no longer believe everything is coincidence anymore than I believe in god, or bigfoot. In fact I don't merely "believe" in anything, I strive to learn and know.. but that's a topic for a completely different blog all together.

I call this phenomenon synchronicity. When you have an idea or thought, and focus on it, the universe will bring similar objects around you. If you really think about it you have probably experienced this very thing, but passed it off as a coincidence. You must open your mind and accept the world around us for what it is.. unpredictable and chaotic, but very closely connected.

These occurrences may be small and seemingly unimportant, and most of the time they have little impact on your actual existence.

Case in point: last night before bed I had a late night snack and decided to make a nutella sandwich. While I was in process of spreading that delicious hazelnut delight on my whole wheat carbs I happened to look up and see peanut butter all lonely, and thought to myself I wonder how they would taste together. Never before have I ever wondered that, or heard of anyone doing such a crazy thing, so I smashed the two together and enjoyed an amazing treat. Then, not even 12 hours later, I was casually browsing the interweb as I always do at work and came across a picture (it was really more of a meme) that mentioned nutella and peanut butter sandwiches.

Now, I know what you're thinking.. how could THAT prove anything. Its a sammich for christ sake.. and you're right, its only a sandwhich, but it shows how two very related topics were brought in front of me with only hours of separation, with absolutely zero influence from myself or anyone around me. If peanut butter and nutella sandwiches were more abundant, and something I would normally see from time to time, it would be more coincidental than synchronized. However, Ive never once even heard of such a thing, and suddenly there are two before my eyes. Synchronicity.

I could list one example after the other, and go on for days. But I digress. If you would be interested in learning more on the phenomenon of universal connectivity and energy confluence read the book 'The Secret'. There is even a documentary movie out with the same title.

Juni 18, 2012

The things you own end up owning you.

Thank you for that life's lesson, Tyler Durden.

There is a fine line between what can be loosely considered a hobby versus what is most likely an obsession. Anyone who has ever seen Hoarding on TBS (or is it TLC? hell, I dont know, I dont even watch network television. I have Netflix, thank you very much) knows exactly what Im talking about. Homes and houses filled floor to ceiling with what can only be described as useless shit.. but, to the people living in that house of bobble heads and antique flat wear, those are objects of real value and worth. The definition of a "collection" has been blurred. And Im not talking about those cases of legitimate psychopaths who's homes are virtually landfills covered in food scraps, feces (animal and human), and dead animals.. No. That shit's disgusting regardless of how you look at it.

I myself have a bit of a hobby.. make that several hobbies. And it has been brought to my attention that I may be boarder line obsessed. I prefer to call them passions, as they are things I truly enjoy.. and as you will see, they serve a purpose. I'll explain...

Juni 12, 2012

A day or two in Savannah

Savannah _____________ (fill in the blanks)

is painted in water color

is abandoned and lonely

is scared of stairs

 is a fan of the pineapple

Juni 06, 2012

I heart my job.

I love my job. I really do.. and here's why:
- I get to travel to foreign countries for free.
- Stay in boutique hotels for free
- Drive European cars on the autobahn for free
- Visit bad ass places.. you guessed it, for free.

On a recent business trip to Austria,  I had several free (more of that awesome word) weekends to myself and a brand new Nikon One with an empty memory card (not free, however). So I took road trips, and quite a few super artistic and awe inspiring pictures...
mother fucking Vienna
a sweet ass monastery
Graz. enough said.
well, well, Wels.

Wels, Austria

When I was shipped off to Austria I didnt know what to expect. Were these east germans (basically) going to accept me with open arms, or run me out of the country? But then I remembered that Im not Jewish, so I had nothing to worry about.

And in fact I didnt... My hotel was cool, the people were cool, and the little village I temporarily called home was cool. As evidenced by the following photographs..

Graz, Austria

So, there's this place called Graz.. and its the coolest place ever.
I discovered it. Seriously.
And I took a bunch of pictures.

I feel this picture should be on the cover of some gardening magazine

StiftMelk Abbey

Located along side the autobahn, just outside the city of Vienna, theres a village by the name of Melk with a population of merely 5000 residents. The village itself is pretty basic, as far as Austrian villages go, however it is home to this...

not an original photo, btw.

Vienna, Austria

One of my road trips through the rolling hills of Austria, down the speed limitless A8, lead me to the glorious city of Vienna. While my time here was limited to only a few hours, I did happen to snap some cool pictures and really have myself a pretty terrific experience.

Here are some of what I would consider to be the "best of".. or, really, just the ones I liked the most that didnt look too terrible.

Even Austrians have Marilyn fetishes